Big Tech’s Energy Consumption Outpaces Bitcoin Mining


The ever-growing realm of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and associated services is fueling concerns about the environmental impact of Big Tech. A closer look reveals a surprising truth: major technology companies like Amazon generate significantly more carbon dioxide emissions annually than all of Bitcoin mining combined.

Calculating Bitcoin’s precise carbon footprint is a complex task. The decentralized nature of mining operations makes it difficult to track global energy consumption data. However, researchers have developed methods to estimate Bitcoin’s environmental impact.

One study conducted by the United Nations University estimated that the global Bitcoin mining network consumed a staggering 173.42 Terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity between 2020 and 2021. This energy consumption is equivalent to that of a nation like Pakistan, raising concerns about sustainability.

Another study placed Bitcoin’s annual carbon footprint at approximately 65.4 megatonnes of CO2 (MtCO2), comparable to the emissions of the entire country of Greece. These figures have fueled criticism regarding Bitcoin’s environmental impact and its potential to outweigh its economic value.

While Bitcoin’s footprint raises concerns, a different perspective emerges when comparing it to major technology companies. Amazon, for instance, self-reported generating 71.54 million metric tons of carbon dioxide in 2021. This figure dwarfs Bitcoin’s estimated emissions of 65.4 million metric tons for the same year.

Adding Google and Microsoft to the equation further amplifies the disparity. Google self-reported 14.3 million tons of carbon emissions for 2023, while Microsoft emitted 15.3 million tons. Combining these figures surpasses the 100-million-ton mark, exceeding Bitcoin’s estimated emissions even without considering Apple’s contribution or Amazon’s potential growth.

It’s important to acknowledge the limitations of directly comparing reported company emissions to estimated figures for Bitcoin. However, the data suggests that Big Tech’s carbon footprint significantly outweighs that of Bitcoin mining.

Assuming that data centers for AI, cloud computing, and Bitcoin mining share similar energy demands and carbon emissions, the data paints a compelling picture. Major technology companies in the U.S. have likely generated more carbon emissions since 2019 than all global Bitcoin mining operations have throughout the cryptocurrency’s entire existence.

The growing prominence of AI and Big Tech necessitates a critical discussion about environmental impact. While Bitcoin mining’s energy consumption is a concern, the larger issue might lie with the data-hungry practices of major technology companies. The future of innovation must prioritize sustainability, requiring both Big Tech giants and the AI industry to develop solutions that minimize their environmental footprint.

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Author: Sb

This post was originally published on

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